Friday, November 30, 2012

 Jenilee Marigomen

I love these quiet scenes from Jennilee Marigomen's series Absent. First let me just admit, the lighting in the first two make me drool, they are so vibrant, crisp and bright that every detail down to the leaves in the trees makes me swoon. This series, as well as her series From The See, to me are very complete and filled with almost a vacuum sense, things can appear utterly secluded, almost as if the space existed away from its environment in a studio. A very other worldly sense at times, I enjoy the very still, thought provoking silence that these make me undergo. It's still hard for me to understand exactly what it is the images are doing to me down to the core but I almost see that to be one of the nice things about this series. I don't like things that are so easily given to you, this series allows me to do some more soul searching into the work and that's always exciting and kind of the point of art to some degree, you could say. 

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